Welcome to the After Hours Application.

We are looking for players 21 or older who fit within our FC community and are able to help us achieve our goals. We are tight-knit group of exceptional players who work and interact well with each other. We are always looking to improve by recruiting the very best players on the server, from both a gameplay perspective, and a social one.

If this sounds like a company that you want to be a part of, please fill out the application below. We ask that you please take this application seriously, as it is (likely) our first impression of you. Practice quality over quantity in filling out your application to best help us discern whether or not you'll be a fit for After Hours.

Your application will be reviewed within 24 of receipt, and you will be contacted within 48 hours to go over the results. If you are successful, a TS3 interview will be scheduled at that time.

Please message Katn Mor, Snow Drift, or Felyx Fidelys with any questions or concerns regarding this application.
You must be logged into Guildwork in order to apply and/or view your application status.